
Investment Advice UK – What You Need to Know

It takes time and effort to research investments, savings, pensions, mortgages and insurance products. By delegating that work to a financial adviser, you could free up your time and energy to spend on other things.URL

Financial advice is a bespoke service that helps you find products to meet your goals. It can help you grow your money and manage risk, and is more personalised than guidance, which only offers general information about what might be suitable for you.

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Investment advice firms are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and must provide you with clear, unbiased recommendations based on your circumstances. They are also required to explain all fees and charges before you make a decision to proceed. If you have any concerns, you can complain to the FCA.

American expats face particular challenges when seeking expert investment advice in the UK. Several factors come together to limit the banking and investment options available to them, including US reporting requirements and the difficulty of finding banks willing to service them. Then there are cultural and practical obstacles to consider, like differences in investment culture and time zones. This can lead to costly mistakes. The good news is that there are now specialist services dedicated to helping Americans in the UK overcome these barriers, and get the advice they need.